Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ray Bradbury Fantasy Writer Remembered

How Do You Remember Ray Bradbury?

Upon reading of Ray Bradbury's passing June 5th, I delved into online research about the author and his work. My Ray Bradbury mental montage was a collection of Fantasy comic book covers, Ray Bradbury Theatre Sound Clips, and Hitchcockesque Horror. What is your perception of Ray Bradbury?
I was surprised by what I learned.

Ray Bradbury -Not A Science Fiction Writer?

image Ray Bradbury
I was surprised to discover Ray Bradbury, did not see himself as a Science Fiction writer, although he admitted to writing one Science Fiction novel, a novel in the centre of controversy written over 50 years ago. Perhaps you've heard of it? - Fahrenheit 451.

Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451-Living This Dystopian Sci-Fi Today

Ray Bradbury, in a treasure trove of mini clips on his website, discusses Fahrenheit 451. Ray initially imagined this dystopian society would occur in several generations, rather than several decades. Fahrenheit 451,named for the burning point of paper, is often seen as a statement against censorship; Not so, corrects Ray. With Fahrenheit 451
'I was never worried about freedom, I was worried about people being turned into morons by TV.'
Bradbury was very concerned about the state of education, and believed the greatest focus needed to be placed on teaching young children to read and write. Ray Bradbury, extended his education by visiting public libraries three days a week. When Fahrenheit 451was republished as an eBook by Simon and Schuster, Bradbury stipulated it be available for anyone to download it from a public library.

Ray Bradbury,Science Fiction Writer? No!

Ray Bradbury described himself as a magician:
'People call me a science fiction writer, but I don't think that's quite true. I think that I'm a magician who is capable of making things appear and disappear right in front of you and you don't know how it happened.'
Ray Bradbury started his daily writing habit at age 12 after a magician named Mr. Electrico tapped him with a sword and pronounced'Live Forever!' Ray's reaction?
'I thought that was a wonderful idea, but how did you do it?'

Ray Bradbury's prolific volume of work has influenced so many creative people from so many genres, that I am quite sure his legacy will live forever.

I'm headed to my public library to celebrate Ray Bradbury's magical legacy, and pen a plan for reviving my Young Writers Workshops. How will you celebrate Ray Bradbury's legacy?
Ray Bradbury (August 22, 1920 – June 5, 2012

Wikipedia: Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury : Official Website

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